Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Knowledge enhancer round nine

Water,water, water.

As the nights get cooler, days shorter, autumnal season approaches one can't help but start to feel the ambiance of some fall rains and river run off. Lake Superior is home to a bounty of righteous rivers making their way back into the inland sea. In fact Lake Superior has over 300, THREE HUNDRED rivers and streams that empty into its encompassing banks... That's a bundle and a half of slick days on the RIV...
Get out and enjoy dem!

*but as always make sure you've sufficient information on flows, put ins and take outs otherwise you could be in for a long one- take it from Ralphie, he's heard people's cantankerous tales...

Health, happiness and laughter your way...


Sean Kutzler said...


I am not making a comment about the blog, but I would like to get in touch with Brian or Alissa (Preferably both) to discuss with them a trip that a friend and I are going to embark upon next summer. We are looking for advice as we will be kayaking the circumference of Lake Michigan for the RedCross. Since the two have already done a similar journey, we thought it would be a good idea to pick their thoughts. I can be reached at

Take care :)

Andrew said...

Are you still on the lake? Where are you. Andrew Sauter Sargent