Sunday, September 28, 2008

Some random imagery

As we gain ground on internet availibility and free time we will do our darndest to keep the posts coming and educating you all of our experiences thus far. The near shore forecast should suggest somewhere in the near future once we've settled back on the mainland, time and space becomes availible we will produce a slew of updates, including stories and photos of where we've been and what we've been up to. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the photos...

Health, happiness and laughter your way...


Anonymous said...

Good Day to you both, Bernie here enjoying your pictures. Dreaming about the days when my Wife & I have the time to do the trip around. Missed the chance to buy you dinner in Rossport. Hope to meet you someday, maybe at Deepwater Grill w/a pint of Nutbrown. Thanks for sharing

Alison said...

Enjoy the last leg of your trip. Wishing you both lots of sunshine and calm waters.