We spread the word as much as we could about Lake Superior's Special Day and then ventured out to enjoy the bounty she continually offers. Around the area you could find folks on day hikes, kite flying exposes, swimmers, lake jumpers, and some clean up crew - after that festive musical experience (we did not go to the music festival, but drove by and it looked like it were bumping!)
Health, happiness and laughter to all you out enjoying Superior on the 20th and any other day for that matter!
We've been fairly blessed to be immersed in the Lakes' presence everyday for the past almost three weeks now. Bountiful, bountiful. Looking forward to many more great days and festive experiences to share.
Happy Lake Superior Day button sporting friendly Co-op workers ready to feed the community with good food and praise for their nextdoor neighbor, the mighty Lake Superior
Alison leads us to a legendary local to immerse your being in the cool Gitche Gumee
Brian and Alison make the locals proud by busting out a double jump off an elevated triangle at the Black Rocks in Marquette Michigan...
You know, the water really seems warmer than the air...
I have enjoyed watching your trip reports. I saw an article in the Ashland Daily Press about your journey and just had to check back to see how your adventure was going. Very few people will be in your "circle the lake" club. I hope you are enjoying your trip! I am sure you will look back on this for the rest of your life. Take care
Wow, awesome pics and what a dive! I sure hope your parents don't see that picture. They would probably flip out. We are truly enjoying the ride with you guys. As ander says, you will have a lifetime of memories and stories. I hope we see you in Grand Marais.
Oh my God! first I wondered why noone was commenting on your beautiful journey. Then I realized you have to know how to use technology to sign in. Did they teach us that at Northland? I just want to say I love you guys and am envious of your trip. Your spirits are growing bigger by the second, I can feel it. I wish Washington was on Lake Superior! Also, Brian, you are a good writer. Keep it up bretheren!
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