Monday, July 7, 2008

Locking it down on Lake Superior

Followers of the journey,

Que Tal?

It has been a rousing few days on the lake. We started out in Sunny Bayfield, under immense heat and SW winds we had a shorter day. The first nite we managed to keep the tent staked down as some burly electrical storm rolled on through with a heavy wind or two.

The South Shore has been amazing. Glorious geology, rocking rivers and a mystique that warrants extended stays.

We are currently fixing to leave Ontonagon later this afternoon, we got a little waylayed around the 4th... The post office with our first box of food, was closed on the 5th... Guess everyone wanted a four day weekend. We took the rest day, as we hauled around 40 miles to get into Ontonagon.

The type right now is rushed. I apologize, we only have a limited amount of time on this here computer so I shall do my best.

Once we get this routine down we'll have more complete updates.

Also posted are some shots of the journey thus far... Commentary to follow...

Just a few quick shouts of thanks though:

Rob and Lynn Reimer- for allowing us to chase the dream of living in a driveway down by the shed!! For real, you folks rock, we appreciate everything you have done for us and look forward to holding weekly kayak support group meetings at your house when we return...
Cully Shelton- Man that Banana Bread was AWESOME!!!
Folks at the Beach - Thanks for sending us off safely
Astral Bouyancy- Haute Dawg the PFD's are SWEET!!!
Granite Gear- Your bags RULE, compact, lightweight, and they keep the goods in order...

Last but not least, for this post anyway, want to remind folks to mark their calendar for the third Sunday in July for Lake Superior Clean Up day... Most definitely certain you all want to experience the pristine shores as we have, and we can do what we can to keep it that way...

Until next time, may the days be filled with health, happiness and laughter...

1 comment:

pat said...

Brain and Alissa

The house in GM ready! Call or e-mail for key location

Pat and Dave